Monday, March 16, 2015

The Secret To Being A Great Cook

There is a simple thing that I do that ensures my cooking always turns out great.  I actually taste it.  That's right.  You just have to taste what you make.  It's a big part of cooking.

I don't even really follow recipes when I cook because I mostly prepare Mediterranean meals that consist of easy and hearty meals, that in my opinion, hold a similar concept.  I learned to cook from my mother who is a phenomenal cook.  I watched  her make the traditional meals from where both my parents came from Italy and then started to do the same.  The technique involves great ingredients and caring.  I find that when you put your heart into the things you do it actually turns out so amazing.

My mom and I love to watch cooking shows together and we cook many different international meals on account of that too.  On top of the delicious Mediterranean meals, (Italian, French and Greek mostly), I can also do Butter Chicken, Japanese Teriyaki  and stir fries are some of my favorite meals from around the world that I make easily!

Rachael Ray has some pretty incredible and easy meals that she has on her website and the Food Network site.  I found some of her books at yard sales and thrift shops for a great price that are loaded with some great ideas.  I learned how to make the perfect boiled egg thanks to her on her show.  Bring water and eggs to a boil.  Cover.  Put on simmer.  Time for 10 minutes. Voila!  They are perfect!

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