Monday, March 16, 2015

The Secret To Being A Great Cook

There is a simple thing that I do that ensures my cooking always turns out great.  I actually taste it.  That's right.  You just have to taste what you make.  It's a big part of cooking.

I don't even really follow recipes when I cook because I mostly prepare Mediterranean meals that consist of easy and hearty meals, that in my opinion, hold a similar concept.  I learned to cook from my mother who is a phenomenal cook.  I watched  her make the traditional meals from where both my parents came from Italy and then started to do the same.  The technique involves great ingredients and caring.  I find that when you put your heart into the things you do it actually turns out so amazing.

My mom and I love to watch cooking shows together and we cook many different international meals on account of that too.  On top of the delicious Mediterranean meals, (Italian, French and Greek mostly), I can also do Butter Chicken, Japanese Teriyaki  and stir fries are some of my favorite meals from around the world that I make easily!

Rachael Ray has some pretty incredible and easy meals that she has on her website and the Food Network site.  I found some of her books at yard sales and thrift shops for a great price that are loaded with some great ideas.  I learned how to make the perfect boiled egg thanks to her on her show.  Bring water and eggs to a boil.  Cover.  Put on simmer.  Time for 10 minutes. Voila!  They are perfect!

Moral Media

I think we should all support the artists/companies we listen to and watch.  It's a tough business now a days so why not do that?  I have purchased media via Google Play, iTunes Kindle, Netflix, Sony PlayStation, etc..  I call it Moral Media.

There are two definitions I came up with.  1.  The act of paying for what you watch/listen to.  2.  Media that has an ethical and moral message.  This blog entry is obviously about the first meaning.

Some people constantly hoard illegal copies of digital media to share and I think that's very wrong.  Unless it's not available for sale you should try and buy it.

I follow The Laws of the Natural Order which include the 10 Commandments and Thou Shall Not Steal is a big one and applies today.  Even though technology has made it so much easier to do, doesn't mean that you should.

If you "sample" things then delete them please.  If you find that you can't then it's time to buy.  It's that simple.