Friday, November 18, 2016

I Found A Really Retro And Cute Cherry Pie Dish

Recently we went to a church bizarre and it was beyond amazing.  So many amazing things and treats to eat and even gluten free goodies too!  We purchased the GF brownies and rice crispy treats.  Funny how there isn't a picture of those. lol  I  can assure you, however, that they were so INCREDIBLE!

So I saw the above picture adorable and hip baking dish from what looks like to be the 60s or 70s?  I want to hang it somehow in my kitchen.  For now it's been washed and put away in my cupboard for safe keeping until I can figure it out.

So it's been a while since I have blogged on here but I have been so busy and with probably one of the most important US elections that has come to light my spare time was preoccupied.  I am giving the president Elect and his admin a chance and wishing them the best.  I truly hope that they can in fact Make America Great Again with fair systems and the opportunity for people to prosper.

I have actually been updating my Flickr throughout but maybe I should make another post about my favorite time of year and a little summary of what has been going on with me outside of these couple things.